
Thursday, August 5, 2021

My Venn Diagram

 Kia orana Reader,

Today I am going to be showing you my Venn Diagram. we had to find out about the modern Olympics and the ancient Olympics. We had to look for information on this site that has the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics. We had to write the same thing of the Modern Olympics and Ancient Olympics.  

Here's my work

Hope you like it.



  1. Well done Mele. You have added some great supporting facts about the modern and ancient olympics. Well done for getting more than one fact in the middle of the venn diagram.
    If you were to compete in the olympics, what sport would you choose?

  2. Thank you Whaea Miki for commenting on my blog. The sports I would choose is netball because It's a good game for girls. It was fun for me.


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