
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Reconnecting with other people

 Malo e leilei,

This week we have been talking about how important it is to korero (talk) with people to make sure we have good well being. This is my poster for reconnecting with people you miss.

Here is my poster.

 Please leave a comment.

Remember to take time to korero!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

How To Cross The Road Safety

 Hello readers,
W.A.L.T… use prior knowledge and knowledge gained from texts to learn about road safety
Today I am going to show you what me and my group have been learning about this week. I have learnt  that we have to cross when the green man is green. I have done a poster to show you how to be safe on the road. This poster is about road safety. If you are a young boy or girl just make sure you are with an adult before crossing. Something I did well is using some bright colours for my poster.
Something I could improve on is including information about riding your bike safely. 
Here is my poster.                       Please leave a comment.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

My There, They're, and Their

 Malo e lelei Readers,

Today I am going to be showing you what I have been doing at home. Its call There, They're, Their  Activity and all i need to do is to make the read the sentence and get the word that matches with it. i finally finished it.

Here is my work. 

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Thursday, September 9, 2021

My Where,Wear,We're, Were

Malo e leilei Readers,

Today I am going to be showing you what I have been doing at home. Its call Where, Wear, We're, Were Activity and all i need to do is to is to make the read the sentence and get the word that matches with it.

Here is my work. 

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                                                                       Thank you!

My Pet Word Search

 Malo e leilei Readers,

Today i am going to be showing you my work that i have been working on for maths. Its like you word search and you have to find the letters that say in the bottom. I did pets it was fun and a bit hard but it least i had fun finding those words. I finally finished it. 

Here is  my work

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