
Thursday, August 8, 2019


In topic We have been learning about Screencastify this is the  first one I did it about flute because It sounds beautiful the flute is a woodwind and you can push the keys to make different sound and of  course you can blow too.


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  2. Kia ora Mele,
    I was really excited to watch your Screencastify about the flute. I think you have uploaded an image or picture rather than the video? To put on a video you need to push the movie clappers first rather than the picture.
    Let me know when you have fixed it up!
    - Miss Morgan

    1. Hi Miss Morgan Thank you for commenting on my blog

  3. hi Mele is tiffany from wigram pimary school i love it
    In topic We have been learning about Screencastify this is the first one I did it about flute because It sounds beautiful the flute is a woodwind and you can push the keys to make different sound and of course you can blow too.

    1. ola Tiffany!Thank you for commenting on my blog.I loved how cooments on my blog.How may brothers and sisters do you have

  4. hi Mele is tiffany from wigram pimary school i love it
    We have been learning about Screencastify
    I was really excited to watch your Screencastify about the flute. I think you have uploaded an image or picture rather than the video? To put on a video you need to push the movie clappers first rather than the picture.

    1. ola tiffany thank you for commenting on my blog.


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