
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Fun Run

Hi reader's today I am posting a blog post about the fun run. The Fun Run means you have fun and enjoy.
 I enjoy  doing The Fun Run it was really fun. I got all wet . It was really cold on Wednesday. Me and my class had one more run before we went back to school. I really had fun yesterday. The fun run on   Kyle park. Me and my class came back from Kyle park. Room 11 had to wait because it was full in the toilet so we went to the swimming pool and changed. Thank you for reading my post and have nice afternoon. Thank you for reading my blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mele.
    It's so good to see you posting some of your learning.
    The Fun Run was a great day.I think that everyone who attended it enjoyed themselves.I know I did.I enjoyed squirting everyone wit the water gun that Kersten lent me.
    What obstacle did you enjoy the most?.
    I hope your first day back at school went well.


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